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李梦霞(Li Mengxia)


(副教授Associate Professor博士Doctor

1.研究领域 Research field:


Numerical simulation of gas Lift multiphase flow,Multiphase flow test signal processing,Digital image processing,Swarm intelligence optimization algorithm,Theory and algorithms of optimization

2.主要代表成果Research achievements

[1] Mengxia Li; Ruiquan Liao; Yong Dong. Adaptive Determination of Time Delay in Grey Prediction Model with Time Delay[J].Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, 2019, 24(5): 519-524.  EI.

[2]Yong Dong; Erzhen Wang; Ruiquan Liao; Mengxia Li. Dynamic Connectivity between Wells Based on a New Grey Correlation Degree Method[J]. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 2018 冬季, 66: 511-516.  EI.

[3] Yu Lei; Ruiquan Liao; Mengxia Li; Yong Li; Wei Luo. Modified Mukherjee-Brill prediction model of pressure gradient for multiphase flow in wells[J]. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2017 春季, 35(1): 103-108.  EI.

[4] Mengxia Li; Ruiquan Liao; Wei Luo; Yong Dong. Improved Aziz Prediction Model of Pressure Gradient for Multiphase Flow in Wells[J]. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2016 秋季, 34(3): 423-428.  EI.

[5] MENGXIA LI; RUIQUAN LIAO; YONG DONG; WEI LUO. New Prediction Method of Pressure Drop for Oil-Gas-Water Three-Phase Vertical Flow[J]. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2016 秋季, 22(1A-I): 680-695.  SCIE.

[6] L. Mengxia; L. Ruiquan; D. Yong. The Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Adaptive Chaos Perturbation[J]. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2016 冬季, 11(6): 804-818.  SCIE.

3.电子邮箱(EMAIL): 452084234@qq.com