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刘波涛(liu Botao)


(副教授Associate Professor博士Doctor

1.研究领域 Research field:


Software Developing Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Application of computer technology in petroleum exploration and development

2.主要代表成果Research achievements

[1]Liu BotaoLi QingQuanZhang FuXiangWang XinHaiLi GuoLiangLu ChongYue HaiLingWang Zhao.Rate transient analysis of multistage fractured wells with horizontal fractures in tight oil reservoirs[J]oil gas geology,2014,35(1):138-142,EI

[2]Liu Botao,Yin Hu, Wang XinHai, Li QingQuan.Material balance equation with revised rock compressibility for shale gas reserve calculation[J].oil gas geology,2013,34(4)471-474,EI

[3]Liu Bo-taoWang XinHaiChen YanLiu HongLi GuoLiangThe Design and Realization of Swabbing Wells Liquid Recovery Interpretation SoftwareProceedings-2011 2nd International Conference On Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and ApplicationsIBICA2011P257-260Shenzhen2011.12.15-18,EI

[4]Liu BoTao, Wang XinHai, Wang Zhao.Development and application of reservoir damage quantitative evaluation software[J].Computer Engineering and Design,2014,35(4)1439-1446

[5]Liu BoTao, Wang XinHai, Zhang FuXiang, Wang Zhao, Wang QingHai .The Algorithm Research and VS2010 Implementation of the Graph Zoom Function in the Log Coordinate System[J].Science Technology and Engineering, 2014, 14(4): 205-216

[6]Liu BoTao, Wang XinHai, Ren Lu, Zhuo Hong.Production Changing Rules in Carbonate Reservoir with Impermeable Sub-region[J].Science Technology and Engineering, 2013, 13(1): 39-42

3.电子邮箱(EMAIL): 151911446@qq.com